Diocese of the Atlantic States

The Most Rev. Blair W. Schultz, Diocesan Bishop, Provincial Archbishop
All Saints Anglican Church
131 East Boughton Road
Bolingbrook, IL 60440
Phone: (630) 783-8280
Archbishop’s Cell Phone: (630) 710-7375
E-mail: allsaintschurch131@gmail.com
The Rev. Shannon L. Clark, Rector
Worship Address:
135 Ashville Circle
Montevallo, AL 35115-3639
Phone: (205) 665-2769
E-mail: stathanasius1978@gmail.com
Atlantic Diocese
Sunday Holy Eucharist - 10:00 am
Wednesday Holy Eucharist or Evening Prayer - 6:00 pm
Visit the church web site at http://www.holy-comforter.com
The Rev. Mark E. Brown, Rector
The Rev. Mike Glor, Assisting Priest
Worship Address:
212 Washington Street NE
Huntsville, AL 35801
Phone: (256) 534-3662
E-mail: apck.stcharles@gmail.com
Atlantic Diocese
Sunday 10:00 AM Holy Communion
Monday-Wednesday 8:30 AM Morning Prayer
Sunday-Thursday 5:30 PM Evening Prayer
Anglican Church Women (ACW) meetings call for details.
Advent, Holy Week and Prayer Book Holy Day services as announced. Call for details.
Confessions heard by appointment.
Other Information:
Visit the parish web site at:
Visit the parish Facebook page at:
Visit the parish Facebook public page at
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The Most Rev. Blair W. Schultz, Rector and Archbishop
Mr. Mark E. Arthington, Licensed Lay Reader
Worship Address:
355 Bell Road
Montgomery, Alabama 36117
Phone: (334) 322-1626
E-mail: marthington@aol.com
Atlantic Diocese
The Holy Eucharist begins at 10:00 a.m. each Sunday
Evening Prayer starts at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesdays
Visit the parish Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/St.ThomasAquinasAnglicanCatholicParish
The Rev. Gregory L. Koon, Rector
Worship Address:
625 West Lady Lake Blvd.
Lady Lake, Florida 32159
Mailing Address:
625 West Lady Lake Blvd.
Lady Lake, Florida 32159
Phone: 352-205-8567
E-mail: FrGregKoon@gmail.com
Atlantic Diocese
Sunday Mass at 9:30 am
Sunday School on 2nd and 4th Saturday 10:00 a.m.
Call in advance.
Senior Warden - Hank Hennessey
People’s Warden - Nancy Korb
Visit the parish web site at http://www.stalbansanglicanchurch.com.
The Rev. Thomas A. Mills, Rector
Worship Address:
204 Beallwood Drive
West Point, GA 31833
Mailing Address:
P. O. Box 556
West Point, GA 31833
Phone: (706) 643-1616
E-mail: tom_mills0338@bellsouth.net
Atlantic Diocese
Sunday Mass 11:00 AM
Evening Prayer and Holy Communion Wednesday 6:00 PM
The Most Rev. Blair W. Schultz, Archbishop and Rector
The Rev. Samuel O. Talabi, Assistant Priest
Worship Address:
131 East Boughton Road
Bolingbrook, IL 60440
Phone: (630) 783-8280
Archbishop’s Cell Phone: (630) 710-7375
E-mail: allsaintschurch131@gmail.com
Atlantic Diocese
Sunday Holy Eucharist: 9:30 a.m., Sunday School 9:30 a.m.
Wednesday: Low Mass at 7:00 pm
Other Holy Days as announced
Visit the parish web site at www.allsaintsanglicanparish.org.
North Carolina
The Rev. David A. Sweeney, Rector and Archdeacon
The Most Rev. Ben E. Jones, Suffragan Bishop
Worship Address:
1210 Dixie Trail
Raleigh, NC 27607
Fax: (984) 232-8808
Atlantic Diocese
8:30 AM - Holy Communion (1st Sundays)
8:30 AM - Morning Prayer (2nd - 5th Sundays)
9:15 AM - Church School (no school during summer months)
10:30 AM - Holy Eucharist (Main Service)
5:00 PM - Evening Prayer
12:15 PM - Holy Communion (said)
5:00 PM - Evening Prayer
Visit the parish web site at www.stgeorgesanglican.org.
Washington, D.C.
The Most Rev. Blair W. Schultz, Archbishop and Rector
Worship Address:
2727 O Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20007
Phone: (202) 298-6282
E-mail: info@ctk-dc.org
Atlantic Diocese
Sunday: Holy Eucharist 11:00 a.m.
Visit the parish web site at http://ctk-dc.org/.